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The Downtown Breakfast Club was formed in 1977 to bring about an informal exchange of ideas and information regarding Downtown real estate development. Meetings take place the first and third Thursday morning throughout the year with the exception of holiday conflicts and a modified summer schedule. Typically, the first meeting of the month is a Members Only meeting which enables informal discussion of business opportunities to occur and the second meeting is a program meeting for the Club's members and guests with a guest speaker's presentation on a topic of interest to the Club.

Promoting All That is Good About Downtown Los Angeles

Our Mission

Our Mission

The Downtown Breakfast Club is a "by invitation only" networking group of professionals supporting and rewarding what is great about Downtown Los Angeles, highlighting what needs improvement and educating ourselves and others about both.

Los Angeles


In order to demonstrate the membership's commitment to responsible Downtown development, the Club sponsors an annual Roses & Lemon Awards Breakfast at which recognition is given in several categories to projects that have contributed to the improvement of Downtown's working, living and visiting environment. A Lemon Award is bestowed on any project, individual or organization which members feel has created a "sour" impact on the quality of life in Downtown. Special events and a Holiday Party also bring members, their spouses and guests together to encourage the social interaction that marks the Club's activities and direction.

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